
As we usually source our stock from around the world as part of large collections we occasionally have surplus stock of some items. We are now offering that surplus stock at a reduced price in the list below. These items are exactly as described and are not in anyway inferior in terms of quality and as such represent a bargain to the sharp eyed collector. They are of course only available on a first come first served basis.


Showing items 1 to 12 of 8490/Filter list

Image Country SG No. Set Set Qty Description Cond. Price  
Image of Aden 1/12 LMM
1/12 Aden 1937 Dhows. - LMM
Aden Is a set 12 was £480.00 £384.00
Aden was £24.00 £12.00
Aden Is a set 13 was £87.00 £60.90
Aden Is a set 13 was £52.00 £36.40
Aden Is a set 13 was £30.00 £18.00
Aden Is a set 11 was £60.00 £42.00
Aden Is a set 11 was £24.00 £12.00
Aden was £12.00 £6.00
Aden 6 was £15.00 £7.50
Aden 100 was £75.00 £52.50
Aden 100 was £60.00 £42.00
Image of Aden 53a UMM
53a Aden 15c deep greenish grey in a COMPETE SHEET OF 100. - UMM
Aden 100 was £750.00 £600.00
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  • Showing items 1 to 12 of 8490

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